NEWS: Co-op members generosity towards SENAC

We are extremely grateful to Co-op members and to the Co-op Local Community Fund for selecting SENAC as one of their charities in 2021. SENAC would like to thank the Managers, staff and customers at the Cregagh Road, Rosetta Road and Knockbreda Co-op stores and all the Co-op members who supported SENAC.

Management committee members Betty (L) and Anna (R), collected a cheque for £1781.35 from the Rosetta store in Belfast

Betty and Anna collect cheque for £1781.35 raised through the generosity of Co-op members
John Huyton, Manager of Co-op store Rosetta presents SENAC with total raised by Co-op members

Thank you to members who selected our cause this year, you are eligible to select another charity this year. If you choose not to select a charity the money you raise by shopping at the Co-op will automatically go towards the Co-op Covid fund.

New members can join at any time Become a CO-OP member

Advice Line 028 9079 5779

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For current Advice Line hours, see our Contact page

Limited Company No. NI48698
Charity No. NIC101355

Contact us

Graham House,
Knockbracken Healthcare Park,
Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 8BH.

Office Enquiries: 07950 949405
Office Email:

Office email cannot be used for advice queries, for education advice please contact our Advice Line